Helping Organization Achieve Better Meetings

Rules Done Right

Participatory Democracy in Action

Deliberative democracy is my passion, but democracy can be messy. The key to effective democracy is participation, and the key to effective participation is knowledge. In fact, I’m so passionate about enabling effective participation in democracy that I wrote a book (“PARTOCRACY”) to educate readers on meeting participation within the context of parliamentary procedure.

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My mission is to take a holistic approach to meetings through coaching, counseling, consulting, education, and service so that my clients can hold their best meetings possible. I am here to make your messy democratic meetings a lot less messy and make you look good.

The Why:

90% of organizations use Robert’s Rules of Order as their parliamentary authority, meaning that without a working knowledge of the Rules, chaos and unpleasantness can ensue. The Rules are used in political, religious, social and business meetings and organizations. Any meeting can be more efficient and more pleasant when the right rules are invoked. I can help any organization or individuals make quicker, cleaner and better decisions.

As stated in the Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure, “Professional Parliamentarians not only can be of substantial assistance during the course of a meeting by advising how rules and procedures can be utilized properly to facilitate good decisions, but also by providing valuable services outside of a meeting setting.  Examples of a Professional Parliamentarian’s services include: the planning of business meetings; reviewing, drafting and organizing documents of authority; and training and assisting officers, board members and meeting staff for optimal derives in their respective roles.”

Who Can Benefit:

Organizations of all sorts can benefit from more efficient and streamlined proceedings. Governmental bodies, non-profits, HOAs, church groups, conventions, and social clubs can all use the services of a parliamentarian.  Whether you’re a new club trying to get organized, or an existing organization seeking to run much more productive meetings, or to resolve conflicts, a professional parliamentarian can help smooth the way.

Parliamentarian Services Available:

  • Serving as Parliamentarian

  • Guidance and Training in Parliamentary Procedure

  • Special Rule Creation

  • Serving as Neutral Presider

  • Bylaw Creation, Review and Amendment Design

  • Overseeing Organizational Elections

  • Providing Parliamentary Opinions to settle uncertainties.

  • Providing Presiding Scripts to assist in meeting management

  • Reviews of Minutes and Records

  • Education in Procedure

  • Primary expertise in Robert’s Rules of Orders but also familiarity with other major parliamentary authorities: Standard Code, Demeter’s Manual, Cannon’s Manual

  • Notary Public Support in the State of Texas

Currently Available Talks:

The Coming Dark Age (Long Version 30-45 minutes)

  • How Fossil Fuels have brought humanity from the life of manual labor, drudgery, starvation and danger to a world where literally everything we touch in our everyday lives is made possible by fossil fuels

  • The truth of what's in a barrel of oil and how that makes a huge difference in policy planning.

  • When President Biden promised to replace the oil and gas industry with renewables, what is really the plan?

  • What are the critical details which the green agenda misses or at least fails to tell you?

  • Electric vehicles will lead to shortages of food, medicine, and clothing

  • Land becomes the ultimate limiting factor

  • Great dangers await in the green agenda!

  • Is the future Dark or Bright? Is there hope?

Short Energy Talks (20 minutes)

  • Top 5 Surprising things about the Left’s Energy Policy

  • The Impact of Fossil Fuels on Humanity

  • The electrify everything, renewable grid, what it is and what it takes to build it.

Designing Better Meetings through science (45 minutes)

Target Audience: Presiding Officers and Parliamentarians

Subject: Meeting science has a lot to say about how to better design meetings from room layout to selection of food to the inclusion of all members. Learn about the hierarchy of meeting needs.

Helping Societies during the Age of Pandemics (45 minutes)

Target Audience: Presiding Officers and Parliamentarians

Subject: The current CoVid lockdown is likely not to be the last of its kind, so how have you prepared your organization to handle future emergencies which will disrupt your meetings. A toolkit of ideas is presented.

partocracy: A participant’s guide to parliamentary democracy

Target Audience: Anyone who uses Robert’s Rules of Order

Subject: A 3 hour workshop of the fundamentals of Robert’s Rules of Order from the perspective of the meeting participant.

Who is the National Association of Parliamentarians:

The National Association of Parliamentarians (NAP) is the oldest and largest association on parliamentary practice with nearly 4000 members in the US and Canada.  NAP was organized in 1930 to be the leading authority on the study, development and promotion of Robert’s Rules of Order.  It is an honor to be one of fewer than 360 members having received the PRP level of credentials.




Plano, TX  75023

(214) 364-8465


Areas of Service



As a Professional Registered Parliamentarian as recognized by the National Association of Parliamentarians, I can help your organization run smoother and in compliance with Robert’s Rules of Order.  As a further service to my clients, I can provide necessary Notary service in the state of Texas.

Parliamentary Rules Training


We are providing training on the Rules of Order for both the novice looking for an understanding of the basics, as well as the more experienced looking to achieve parliamentarian certifications


Research on current issues


Additionally, we provide position and research papers on important current issues affecting local decision makers and influencers.


It is difficult to find another branch of knowledge where a small amount of study produces such great results in increased efficiency in a country where the people rule, as in parliamentary law.
— Henry Robert


Let's Chat.

Use the form below to contact us. Please be as detailed as possible.  To help us best service your enquiry, we recommend that you first describe the issue you’re having before telling us what you want to achieve. You may also email or call us to make an appointment.